Asking the Right Questions for a Tarot Reading

Tarot Reading

When getting a tarot card reading, you are there because you want to find answers to your questions. Psychics use their own gifts in order to tune into your energies and see what kind of information they can get you about your past, present and future. The thing is, you want to make sure that your reading will be truth and information that can help you.

The best thing to do is to make sure that you are asking for answers that your psychic can give you. You need to start by asking questions that use “what, where, when, why and how,” so that you can get the right details of what you are asking. When you ask the why question, you are going to get different layers of your reading, and this can give you information that is deep. Some find this much information to be too much information and so you need to be careful when asking how questions.

People often will ask questions about something that happened in their life, and they sometimes want to know when something is going to happen because timelines give people peace. This can be hard for psychics to answer because of free will and even though getting an exact date might give you peace of mind, it can cause you to be stressed if things don’t happen when you expect them to.

How is one of the best questions that you can ask your psychic because they can answer things about what is going on in your present and you can know information in the now instead of information that can change. This can give you clues to be able to put information together to get the overall answers.

After you ask how, you can ask, “what can I do to make this not happen?” and then your psychic can speak to your spirit guides and your angels and find out how to stop the future and how to make it change. These spirits can give you information that can help you to make decisions and not just give you information to answer your question.

When you ask the where question, you can get some kind of idea where your future is going to go. Asking where something is going to happen in the future or where something happened in the past can help you to see the energies that surround your life.

Final Thoughts

There is no right or wrong way to ask the questions that you need to ask during a tarot card reading you just need to ask questions that can give you the answers that you are seeking.


  1. The distinction between different types of questions is well explained here. Understanding that psychics may struggle with precise timelines due to the nature of free will is a helpful reminder for those seeking these services.

  2. The article effectively breaks down the techniques for getting the most out of a tarot reading. The idea of using spirit guides and angels to seek more comprehensive answers is fascinating.

    • I agree, Mary. The notion of interacting with spirit guides adds an intriguing dimension to the reading process, offering potentially more profound insights.

    • Indeed, the use of spirit guides in tarot readings can provide a layer of depth that purely human interpretations might miss. It’s a nuanced approach that could enhance the overall experience.

  3. The exploration of ‘why’ questions and their potential to uncover deeper layers of information is significant. However, the caution about the overwhelming nature of certain information is important to consider for one’s mental and emotional state.

  4. The article presents an interesting perspective on structuring questions for a tarot reading. It’s crucial to frame your inquiries correctly to receive meaningful insights. I appreciate the emphasis on the types of questions one should ask.

  5. The advice to ask ‘how’ questions during a tarot reading is quite insightful. It aligns with the idea of seeking actionable guidance rather than vague predictions. This could indeed lead to more practical and empowering reading experiences.


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