Can Tarot Cards Predict Marriage?

Tarot Cards Predict Marriage

When you want to understand marriage and know what the future holds for you, a tarot card reading can help. Some cards in the tarot set can help you understand the union that you will have in the future.

Tarot Cards for Marriage

Some cards are better than others, and if they show up in a reading, you can understand your personality traits and those of your future partner. This can help you know if you are compatible or if love is going to find you soon.

  • Ten of Cups Card

When this card shows up upright, it can mean that you will find yourself in a real relationship soon. This card shows happiness and peace in a marriage. The image of the card shows a family looking out at a rainbow, which shows that there can be joy in your relationship.

  • Three of Cups Card

When the Three of Cups card appears in an upright position, it can mean that you will be more than friends. This is a joy card that shows strong friendships toasting and dancing together. It can also act as a marriage party card.

  • Ace of Cups Card

The Ace of Cups in an upright position can mean joy, fertility, and abundance in your life. This can also mean something new is coming for you.

  • Four of Wands Card

In the upright position, the Four of Wands card can mean that you will have more joy than you have ever had by joining together with your partner. This can mean that there will be peace in your relationship, and it will be time to celebrate.

  • The Hierophant Card

In an upright position, this card can tell you that you will find someone who is perfect to do your wedding for you. They will be an authority figure to you, and they will bless your marriage.

  • The Lovers Card

The Lovers card can appear in an upright position and tell you that the person you are with shares past lives together. This can mean that you have evolved in your spirit and are ready to balance your mind, body, and spirit and support each other.

  • Wheel of Fortune Card

When the Wheel of Fortune appears in an upright position, it can mean that change is coming to your life. This can mean that love and devotion are showing up, and you are going to have luck and a new beginning.

  • The Sun Card

The sun Card can tell you that you are creative and fertile. It can also mean that your community and the things around you will bring you peace and happiness. This card shows a happy baby riding through a sunflower field, which can mean youth and vitality.

  • Ten of Pentacles Card

In the upright position, the Ten of Pentacles card can mean that you will have a long and lasting relationship until death.

Other Tarot Cards for Marriage

Court cards can be important when they appear in a relationship tarot card reading. They can give you information about who you will meet in the future that you will love. This can mean that you will find your future marriage partner.

Court cards that look opposite of each other and are positioned in a separate place in a spread can mean that you are going to have a broken engagement and that there is already trouble in the relationship. This happens more if the cards are reversed.

Having a third court card reversed can mean that you and your partner are being bothered by someone who is stopping your future plans. This can be a family member or an ex, and they want to ruin your relationship.

Notice where the person is coming from and who is speaking into your life and your plans, and try to eliminate this conflict by setting boundaries in your relationship. If you get court cards that are upright and beside each other, then it can tell you that there is an alliance between the partners and that they have a good relationship.

  • King of Cups and Queen of Wands

These two cards can mean that there is strong intuition. They are a fire and water card, and they are a good match. One will be kind and gentle, and the other will be ambitious and passionate.

  • Knight of Swords and Queen of Pentacles

These two cards can mean that there is common sense and a good bond. One is older than the other, and the characteristics work well together.

  • Queen of Swords and Queen of Cups

These are emotional and intuitive cards, and they can indicate that the relationship is gifted or that you both have strong internal strengths.

  • King of Pentacles and Page of Wands

These cards can mean that powerful things are happening in the relationship and that someone is trying to reach home and be creative. A passion can work in this relationship if it is in the right place.

  • King of Wands and King of Swords

These are two good, matched cards. They can bring fire and skill together, which can balance the success of the relationship.

Final Thoughts

These cards above doesn’t mean that the marriage you are looking for will be good or bad; it is just a guide between two people, and many aspects play a role in whether a relationship will work out.


  1. The interpretation of the Lovers card suggesting shared past lives is quite compelling. It adds a spiritual dimension to the relationship that goes beyond the physical and emotional aspects.

  2. The descriptions of individual cards like the Ten of Cups and the Sun Card are very detailed. They provide a clear picture of what each card signifies in the context of a relationship.

  3. The article provides a comprehensive overview of how tarot cards can influence and predict aspects of a marriage. It is intriguing to see how different cards can symbolize various dynamics in a relationship.

    • I agree, Dorito. The symbolism behind each card is fascinating, and it can offer a new perspective on understanding relationships.

  4. I found the section on court cards particularly insightful. It makes sense that the position and orientation of these cards could indicate potential conflicts or alliances in a relationship.

    • Absolutely. Understanding the dynamics between court cards can be crucial for anticipating and addressing issues in a relationship.

    • Yes, Sherry. The way court cards interact with each other adds a layer of depth to the reading that can provide more detailed predictions.

  5. I found it interesting that certain card combinations like the King of Cups and Queen of Wands can indicate specific personality traits. It makes the reading more personalized.

  6. The article does a good job of explaining both the positive and negative implications of different tarot cards. It’s a balanced perspective that acknowledges the complexity of relationships.

  7. I appreciate that the article ends with a disclaimer that these readings are not definitive. It’s important to remember that tarot is a tool for guidance, not a guaranteed prediction of the future.

  8. Overall, the article is well-written and informative. It provides a good introduction to how tarot cards can be used to understand marriage and relationships better.


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