Tarot Cross 2 Card Spread

Tarot Cross 2 Card Spread

Using the 2-card cross tarot spread can be based on the Celtic Cross spread and it can answer questions that are simple. This is a great way to find out what might be getting in your way or challenging you in your life.

If you are someone that isn’t sure what to do next in your life or you feel stuck, this spread can help you to understand what you need to do and what you need to stop doing. Sometimes you might just need to have this simple spread while there might be times that after this spread you need to move on to something bigger.

This spread can challenge you and can give you power. Using only 2 cards can help you to understand what is going on in your heart. The first card will tell you what is happening in your life and what challenges that you face. It can also be the card that you use to ask a question. This can help you to see your situation from a different point of view. These cards can answer inner and outer questions and this card helps you to figure out the issue.

The second card in this spread will tell you what challenges that you face. It can help you to see what is stopping you from moving forward and why you aren’t able to reach your goals. As you look at how the cards are related to each other, you can find out if there is a way that you can solve your problems.

The spread is two cards and isn’t going to be a spread that offers a huge story since there aren’t many cards, but you can use these cards for answers.

Here are some examples of what could happen with this spread:

  • Five of Cups

The Five of Cups card is one that means that you will have big changes come into your life. There might be things that have been upsetting you lately and this can have to do with your changes and your emotions.

If you have had your heart broken recently, it can mean something is happening inside of you and you are having to challenge your emotions and your intuition to grow.

  • Seven of Wands

This card can mean that you are independent, and you are creative. It can mean that you are able to stand up for yourself and what you need. When you are facing a situation with this card, it can mean that you are isolated, and you want to see changes. It can also mean that you want to find your purpose and you might have to ask for help. This can help you to feel more confident.

  • Seven of Cups

The Seven of Cups card is one that can mean that you need to find a deep meaning in your life. It can mean that you are dealing with specific things that you have been wanting to do. This card can mean that you are losing yourself to fantasy, and you aren’t being logical or rational.

  • Two of Pentacles

This card can mean you are not balanced, and you need to learn to grow. It can mean that you have goals that you need to reach, and you need to be practical about how to do that so you can make it through the situation.

This is a grounding card and can mean you have patience.

  • Four of Wands

The Four of Wands card is one that means creativity and desire. It can mean that you need to figure out just what you want, and you need to find out how to be stable and confident.

This card can be a welcome card depending on where it is, and it can mean joy and positivity.

  • Four of Swords

This card can be challenging and can mean that you need to have boundaries in your mind and your intellect. You need to have a rest.

This can mean you are stable, and you are moving forward but you need to take some breaks so that you can protect yourself while moving forward.

This card is an advice card and can help you protect your power and your purpose and be clear about what you want and need.

Tarot Card Information

There are different things that you can face that can challenge you. Sometimes the cards can show you who you are and that you need to be proud of where you have come from. Sometimes it can mean that you are being prideful, and you need to challenge yourself to do better. It can also mean that you have an opportunity to grow and to get better along the way.

Use the cards as a pairing set. This can give you insight and help you to live your best life.


  1. The practicality of this spread is evident, especially for those seeking clarity in specific areas of their life. The detailed card interpretations provided can significantly aid in understanding the messages the tarot offers.

  2. The concise nature of this tarot spread makes it highly accessible. It offers a concentrated glimpse into one’s circumstances and challenges, which could be incredibly beneficial for making informed decisions and fostering personal development.

  3. The 2-card cross tarot spread seems like a pragmatic approach for those who need immediate insight without delving into an elaborate layout. The examples provided give a good sense of the range of answers you can receive, which can be quite impactful for personal growth.

  4. It’s interesting how using just two cards can yield such rich information about one’s situation. This method seems particularly useful for quick, focused readings, allowing one to identify key challenges and potential solutions efficiently.

  5. I appreciate the simplicity and directness of the 2-card cross tarot spread. It’s a great tool for those who are new to tarot and want to understand their current challenges without feeling overwhelmed by a more complex spread.


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