The High Priestess Tarot Card


The High PriestessThis card is one of the cards in the Major Arcana and is associated with having knowledge.  The High Priestess is a secret holder and can be positive or negative.  With this card, it shows that there is balance.  You can move on in life as long as you give it time.

The High Priestess represents thought before taking type of action.


The past of the High Priestess shows you that you have been patient in the past, which allowed you to move forward.  Maybe you were stuck in a dead-end job or a bad relationship, but you kept on and waited.


The High Priestess tells you that you need to avoid any type of conflict that comes into your life.  Do not listen to what others tell you but learn to decipher things for yourself.


This card requires you to have patience if you want to have peace in your life.  Let things come as they may. It may not always be easy, but it will always be worth the wait.


If you want to get a job, you have to wait and be ready for something better to come along.  This can mean that you have a lot of work ahead of you, but something better for you will come with your hard work.


When you want love, the High Priestess card tells you that you will start to look at the opposite sex more and be balanced in your relationships.  The High Priestess is predominantly a feminine card.


Your friendships will be difficult during this time.  The High Priestess tells you that you will face some kind of tension, and you just need to be impartial and wait to decide what you want to do next.


The High Priestess can show you that someone is hiding something from you from a money standpoint.  If you choose to go with a deal, it can end up hurting you. Make sure you are reading all the fine print before entering into any type of financial transaction.


The High Priestess shows you that you might not be balanced and that you need tools so that you can learn to understand things more. Seek out the tools that best help you to find balance.


With the High Priestess, you will get a new level of spiritual understanding.  As a result, you will be able to make more sense of things in your life. As you grow spiritually, you may also be able to help others.


When you look at the High Priestess, you will see that she is with Boaz and Jachin.  The Tree of Life is located behind the priestess, and she will protect you and take care of you.


With the High Priestess, you will feel that you are being instinctual, but you really are not.  You have to learn to listen to your inner gut feeling more, which will lead you to accomplish your goals in life.  Take time for yourself and learn from people that have more experience than you.


  • Smarts
  • Wisdom
  • Knowledge
  • Energy
  • Feminist


The High Priestess stands for the Water element.


The High Priestess stands for the Moon.

When asking a Yes or No Question:  The answer will be a yes and no, meaning it is unclear.