Tarot: Not as Mysterious and Magic as It Seems

Tarot: Not as Mysterious and Magic as It Seems

Have you ever noticed that many psychic readings are not actually psychic readings at all? There’s much confusion regarding the differences between innate psychic abilities and the intellectual capacity to read Tarot cards accurately. When a Tarot reader is able to tell a perfect stranger what’s going on in his or her life, it seems reasonable to assume that the reader is psychic, but this isn’t necessarily the case.

Genuine psychics are rare. Intuitive abilities are received at birth by as few as one in a million people. However, reading Tarot cards is learned, and such learning can start at any age. Psychic connections can’t be predicted, but Tarot reading can be practiced, tested, and executed at will, with no psychic ability involved. Tarot may take years to learn, but anyone sufficiently motivated and intelligent can study it and improve their skills over time. Experienced, mature practitioners can often read Tarot cards so precisely that it appears magical.

I contend that the “magic” lies in the wisdom contained and built into the cards. You’ve probably had the experience of one card that repeatedly popped out of a deck while you shuffled it, then that same card ended up playing a key role in your reading. To others, the “magic” lies in how the appropriate cards always turn up. With 156 different potential meanings, compounded by their placement in a spread, there does seem to be an inexplicable magical component.

Psychic hotlines need to be forthright when they send you to a Tarot card reader. Since a skilled Tarot reader is often better than clairvoyants or psychics, this would only serve to augment their credibility.

Why Tarot Appears “Psychic”

As a child, were you ever amazed by people who typed without looking down at their keyboard, played the piano without reading sheet music, or could knit without looking at their yarn or needles? Of course, mastery like this comes from experience. But it probably looked quite magical to you.

Tarot readers are not psychics. What appears psychic about Tarot readers is based on their mastery of the symbolism of the cards. Each of the 78 Tarot cards has two meanings—one when the card lands right-side-up, the other when the card lands upside-down. Readers memorize these 156 card meanings and study to understand each card’s intricate and dense symbolism. Tarot readers must learn to trust the cards. To do this, they rely on their intuition. They strive to be articulate and empathetic and convey the message of the cards in a way that their clients can comprehend.

People feel attracted to Tarot cards because their symbolism is ingrained in our collective unconscious and our shared cultural heritage. Tarot readers apply the symbolism of the cards to our modern way of life. For example, the Devil card shows people chained to either “the devil they know” or “the devil they don’t know.” The card represents a surrender to negativity, temptation, or a bad habit. The classic Rider-Waite Tarot deck, whose vibrant illustrations were created in 1909, is the most popular because its symbolism is so clear. The symbolism in some decks is more ambiguous, though the meanings of the cards remain the same.

True psychic powers are relatively rare when compared to the likelihood of finding a skilled Tarot card reader. Meet your reader in person for the best results, but distance readings online or via the telephone can also be quite accurate.

What Tarot Readers Know

Tarot students quickly learn that most clients ask about:

  • Love
  • Family
  • Money
  • Health

In a reading, a good Tarot reader breathes deeply, opens their minds and hearts, greets the client, then shuffles the deck and lays a spread of cards. They soon learn that to accurately answer clients’ questions; the questions must be precisely framed. For example, a client shouldn’t ask, “How much longer will Grandpa live?” No Tarot reader is able to provide an exact date and time. Instead, clients should ask, “What are Grandpa’s health prospects for next year?” Likewise, they shouldn’t ask, “What does my future hold?” but instead should ask, “What could happen if I stay in my current romantic relationship?”

In a good reading, the values shared by Tarot cards and Tarot professionals—sincerity, intuition, intelligence, creativity, empathy, and wisdom—will all work together to help people.

Most people don’t pause and reflect on their lives. As a result, they fail to see certain realities, or they can’t discern for themselves where their current paths are taking them. Tarot card spreads freeze a moment in time and reveal your path. Sometimes the cards indicate that a change in a client’s habits, behaviors, or thoughts will bring about a more desirable outcome. That’s why Tarot can feel so magical.

Magical Mind Readers?

In my personal experience, while Tarot cards are always right, a reader may incorrectly read the spread. Like everyone else, Tarot-card readers have off days or get tired, and stressful conditions can significantly reduce their level of accuracy. Spectators, alcohol impairment, noise, mess or dirt, time constraints, and electromagnetic or energetic pollution can negatively impact accuracy.

Some Tarot readers will directly ask their clients their concerns or questions. Others wait to allow the cards to reveal these details on their own. Both types of readers are genuine. Tarot readers read cards, not minds.

Tarot cards and the spreads used work together to tell a coherent story. For example, in a classic 10-card spread, the first two cards will reveal a client’s question. It usually involves love, family, money, or health; the cards will confirm which it is. Your reader will be experienced and skilled enough to tell you the story the cards are revealing. That’s the precision of the Tarot and explains how the reader seemingly performs magic right before your eyes.